Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Unfortunate Tree

Once upon a time, there was this brown squirrel.

One day, the brown squirrel hopped along looking for shelter. It saw a nice tree and the brown squirrel said to the tree,

'can i make my home inside you?'

after the tree heard it, it pondered, and replied

'no. I don't think I want to. my body is only for my kind.'

'I promise I will take care of you, prune your leaves, give you food to eat and water to drink. Please let me make my home inside of you' pleaded the squirrel

with a great sigh, the tree replied,

'I am very sorry. no can do. please find another tree. please go now, do not disturb my slumber.'

The brown squirrel felt rejected once again. But it never gave up finding another tree who would allow it to make its home on it.

months passed and one day, some lumberjacks wanted to chop down a tree and they noticed a large and beautiful tree. They were about to cut it down when suddenly the brown squirrel appeared out of its hole in the tree trunk. The lumberjacks saw it and decided not to chop it down because of the squirrel's habitat. The lumberjacks however, noticed another tree. it was also as beautiful but it was in distress. It called the squirrel in desperation.

'oh squirrel! please help me. come make your home in me or they will cut me down! please I beg of you.' the tree cried

the squirrel felt bad for the tree yet committed to its own tree.

'I am sorry, I can't leave my home. You had your chance before, but now its too late' the squirrel said

at that, the squirrel went back into its hole and stayed inside its tree safely and peacefully. As for the tree who rejected the brown squirrel, it was cut down and that was the end of its life.

lesson: Its not right to have a pre-conceived notion about anyone of a different colour or shape or size. We all should give equal opportunities to all regardless of their colour and backgrounds as well as beliefs. Everyone has the potential to be help each other. If we do not recognize this then we ourselves would stumble upon our own mistakes.