Friday, March 14, 2008

Do you like chocolates?

hmm.. I haven't done any statistical analysis about who likes chocolates or how many likes them. All I know, is that many love chocolates. Almost everyone have a weakness for sweets. Brown sugar always had that distinct taste as compared to white sugar. Most spices are brown in colour. The original earth is brown in colour. Hmmm...'original' . So tell me, do you like chocolates?I bet you do enjoy them especially with nuts but perhaps you enjoy them pure. White chocolates? well, its originally from cocoa plant and they were brown first. Many love chocolate cakes from secret recepies. taste pretty original don't they. I love chocolates!

Still, many out there hate chocolates, some have a natural phobia against chocolates. Some associate chocolates with faeces as they kinda share the same colour! (talk about originality) weird but true. So, if earth colour represent originality, then what would be fake? everything else? I wouldn't know that for sure, but its a possibility. All I know is that chocolate is the best aphrodisiac in the world. Its definitely orgasmic! There are those who are so curious about it that they would risks all just for a few moments of sheer pleasure of slurpy sweet, delicious, juicy chocolate. So folks, go for original, no fake. Love chocolates, try them, taste them & most of all, treasure them while you still have them :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Priviledged Loser

Just the other day, two guys were talking with each other and this is what one said to the other;

'You see, I have always obtained a decent income. Because I have made sacrifices. I paid my tithes. I contribute to charity. I buy gifts for people. Do you know, how lucky some people are? They have so much of property that sometimes I begin to wonder where they got their money from. Its just too much to bear. They said they work twice as hard. Thats what they claimed to have done. But their profits are based on buying favours. Well,..I suppose that is normal when they deal with us, because we work hard for a living. But still, how do they do it? I dont understand and I think its not fair. They can drive big cars and we drive smaller cars. Actually, we should be richer and must be their masters.

Whatever we do is justified because we have a religion that determines that no one else is good but us. Its true. Thats why those not of our religion must embrace it. Otherwise they will be in hell, no matter how good they are. They MUST convert. This whole country must convert. If they are not happy, then they should go back to their own country. Our people belong to the soil. We are indigenous to this land. So we have reservation land just for us. We should because we are the indigenous peoples. Although the other races are born here, they are not indigenous.

We must have everything given to us and not to them. Because we deserve it. This is actually our country. They are still considered immigrants although they were here for hundreds of years. We must becareful otherwise they will invade us. Thats why all our leaders must be our race. Oherwise we are finished. We used to get bullied by them before but now we bully them. I will always help our race because we are the good people. Its okay to give them a hard time. When other races eat at restaurants they must pay taxes as additional charge. But when we eat at any restaurants, we no need to pay taxes. They must think twice before having many kids. As for me, I can have as many as I want because I can get tax exemption easily. You see, In this land, I am so priviledged. Actually, you are too. You are priviledged to serve people like me. You have no issue with all this right? You see, as long as I am above you, I will take care of you. If you want to be promoted, then you must be nice to me lah. You are different race, so normal lah.

This is the priviledge that I have.'

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Memories of dark times

I was browsing through some of my old video clips and i stumbled upon some clips of the previous kingdom. I saw old faces and faces i still knew as well. I was reminded of what I was then, a general with 40 strong captains under my responsibility. As I pondered about how I came to be where I am now, I realised that I have learnt a lot from my previous experience and because of my experiences, I have gained something important for my portfolio.

I am just so thankful that I dont face the evil black king anymore! The black king I served is a very very sad individual. I feel really sorry for him. He thinks I am a failure and so are many others. He always thought he had triumphed over obstacles he thought only he could overcome. He also had a person who always fell short of his own expectations. He thought he had won. But He knows it, that he has won nothing inspite of all his achievements. He thought he got the best of others and he thought he made them where they are today. But he never realised he destroyed marriages, shattered the innocence of youth and manipulated his way to success or so it seems. Every one who left he dark place, is a lot more successful than he is.

The human race do not measure success by currency. That belongs to the marketplace. Life is not a market place. Life is a game and most of the time we participate and play our roles accordingly. NO ONE is a failure. We just need to finish our race well or as well as we can. Sadly to say black has played the role of a suck-up. He keeps sucking up to those rascist and fascist regime who seem to have lead their people to prosperity. (*their people only) Those dark times was an example of an adversity that many can identify with. I have learnt a lot and matured over the years.

I am now moving on to a greater role which I will be playing. This role is special because I will heal and I will motivate the youth to be courageous. But first, before I go and declare my crusade, I decided to forgive the black king. Although he has done nothing for me, this is the best I can do. I can only hope that others will find the will to do so.

So, I have put it all behind me and starting a new chapter in this game of life. 'Yawn'

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well well...

Isn't this exciting. Its my first blog site. So I guess I should be putting this to good use. Ironically, I noticed the default font happened to be Georgia. Nice! One of my favourites. Its past 12 midnight, 4t of March, another 4 days to general elections. I know who I will be voting for. Well..the party I am voting for, probably wouldn't realise I voted! Thats amazing. What the heck then. I will sleep on this for now and congratulations to me for getting this blog thingy started. I wonder how long this is gonna last.